We'd love for you to contribute to ABLE and help make it better. As a contributor, here are the guidelines we follow:
Code of Conduct
Help us keep ABLE open and inclusive. Please read and follow our Code of Conduct.
Bugs & Feature Requests
If you encounter a bug in an open source project, check if the bug has already been reported. If the bug has not been reported, you can open an issue to report the bug according to the project's contribution guidelines. Even better, you can submit a pull request with a fix.
Reproducing a reported bug
You can contribute to an open source project by validating an issue or adding additional context to an existing issue.
Testing a pull request
You can contribute to an open source project by merging a pull request into your local copy of the project and testing the changes. Add the outcome of your testing in a comment on the pull request.
Updating issues
You can contribute to an open source project by adding additional information to existing issues.
Missing a Feature?
You can request a new feature by submitting an issue to our GitHub Repository. If you would like to implement a new feature, please consider the size of the change in order to determine the right steps to proceed:
For a Major Feature, first open an issue and outline your proposal so that it can be discussed. This process allows us to better coordinate our efforts, prevent duplication of work, and help you to craft the change so that it is successfully accepted into the project.
Note: Adding a new topic to the documentation, or significantly re-writing a topic, counts as a major feature.
Small Features can be crafted and directly submitted as a Pull Request.
Coding Rules
To ensure consistency throughout the source code, keep these rules in mind as you are working:
All features or bug fixes must be tested by one or more specs (unit-tests).
All public API methods must be documented.
We follow Google's JavaScript Style Guide
Last updated