Θ Caption - Description

Collection: A convenience container for the descriptions of a caption row, which is made up of leading, primary, and trailing containers. These are used in Cells and Cards as vertically stackable, modular pieces of the caption area. Please see Caption - Definitions for a run down on the structure and terminology used in captions.

Styleguide Link



The general size of the primary text used in the caption row.

  • XXSmall

Styles - Leading & Trailing

Here's where we bring in the columns (leading, primary, trailing) in order to customize the layout of the row. Those options available in the lower level caption containers for leading, primary, trailing are available to choose from.

Leading Options

  • Nothing at all

  • Icon

  • Avatar

  • AdaptIcon

  • Graphic

Trailing Options

  • Nothing

  • Subtext: Used for short bits of information that are right aligned text.

  • Action: An icon that is typically used as a More button to reveal additional actions that can be taken on the subject matter.

  • Super Action: More of a primary action and most often used as an Add capability, this icon is slightly larger and carries a larger hit area.

  • Button: A prominate primary action used to take an action on the subject matter.

  • Link: Text based actionable content that will usually navigate to a new screen.

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