Ω Haptic Library
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Haptic feedback is the use of touch to communicate with users. It's the vibration of your phone when you get a new email or the rumble in the controller when a hit happens in a game.
These resources are stored in the snippets library as pieces of code that can be used across the application and referenced through the token assigned to it in the snippets library.
To get a better feel of testing haptic and vibration patterns, here are some helpful resources and apps:
Vibration App — A true vibration spectrum analyzer using the built in accelerometers and gyroscope inside the iPod Touch and the iPhone.
Core Haptics (For Devs) — Compose and play haptic patterns to customize your iOS app’s haptic feedback.
Android Haptics (For Design) — Haptic guidelines to enhance interactions and convey useful information to users through the sense of touch.
Android Haptic Constants (For Devs) — Constants to be used to perform haptic feedback effects on Android devices.
Haptic Feedback Generators (For Devs) — Explore haptic patterns generated by Apple’s Tactic Engine (by Jesus Guerra)
Name: [textField] The human readable way we refer to this "Haptic" feedback in the dictionary
Type: [selectList()] The categories we set up for the different types of haptic responses
Resource: [searchList(haptic.Type)] Every haptic feedback will have a source file that it references to provide the code for the feedback this is the location of that snippet of code needed to preform the desired response
Metaphor: [textField] Every haptic feedback response acts as a metaphor for something. Some responses can carry multiple metaphors (i.e. "success" and "win" for a positive result) This allows us to reuse these feedback metaphors as a design token which is referenced throughout our components while all referencing the same file.
Token: [textField] The short-code we use to refer to this metaphor (i.e.. #haptWin, #haptError, #haptWarn, etc.)