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A value display with a list of choices on a temporary menu surface when activated. A selectlist is also referred to as a dropdown by many people.
Inner element spacing is used for dynamic resizing along with a background surface.
Parent: Form (Container)
Child: Field, Label, Menu, FC - Leading, FC - Trailing
Label - The component can be presented with a label to give context to the form control. This label can be positioned top (above the field), left, or not at all (none).
Helper - Does the component have helper text (On/Off). This is used to provide additional context for the component for examples, how the input will be used, or as further clarification to the label.
Choice Method - There are a few options when working with the selectable choices of a SelectList.
Standard Dropdown - A temporary modal Menu element that is displayed over top (elevated above) the visible SelectList - Field. This works great for shorter lists of content options (<10).
Autosuggest Dropdown - When the list of options within the SelectList is longer or infinite and the user already knows the answer, the SelectList - Field acts as a field to collect, autocomplete (the typed word) and filter the results in the Dropdown (displayed directly below the SelectList - Field) of the typed characters. This is similar to how the Google search box works. Another good example of this in use is in choosing a country.
Sheet: Listview - For lists that are a bit longer and will need scrolling within the ListView to account for all options we can use a standard sheet (with its three heights) that appears from the bottom of the screen.
Screen: Listview - For very large lists and those that might need a graphic, adaptIcon, and/or additional context with a description, we can navigate directly to (as opposed to the sheet first) a new screen where the full screen is displaying the list, where a choice would navigate the user back to the original screen where the SelectList was first presented and now shows the choosen option in the Field.
Note: The structure and spacing of this component is the same between Textfield, Textarea, Selectlist, Chiplist, Slider, Userlist, and Toggle Button.
Note: Each of the nested elements and primitives of this form component have properties that can be adjusted to customize the component.