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Component: A form control for the collection of users (avatars), used when adding people in a form.
Parent: Form (Container)
Child: Label, Avatar - Bar, FC - Leading, FC - Trailing
Top - The label for the form field is placed above the form control.
Left - The label for the form field is placed to the left of the form control.
None - No label is used with the form control.
The additional helper text that can be presented below the form control.
Small - The default size for the control
This form control acts as a container for a collection of people. People are added to the container (horizontal scroll of avatars) by tapping the placeholder (first) avatar to begin the selection process. That process will normally happen in a sheet that appears. Once the selection process is complete the user would close that sheet and those avatars that were selected would appear in the controls horizontal scroll.
Note: The structure and spacing of this component is the same between Textfield, Textarea, Selectlist, Chiplist, Slider, Userlist, and Toggle Button.
Note: Each of the nested elements and primitives of this form component have properties that can be adjusted to customize the component.