Φ InputStepperPieces

Primative: The pieces that go into the input stepper to step a numeric value up or down by a set amount.

Styleguide Link



Arrow - Left/Right and Up/Down arrow icons on the buttons to increment the input stepper.

Plus-Minus - Plus and Minus icons on the buttons to increment the input stepper.

Value - For the center section of the input stepper which is where the current value is displayed.


Primary - The buttons in the primary color

Secondary - The buttons in the secondary color

Light - The buttons in a light color

Neutral - The buttons in a grey color

Dark - The buttons in a dark color


The location of the piece of the input stepper in relation to the whole.

  • Left

  • Right

  • Top

  • Bottom

  • Center - The value is always at the center


  • Enabled

  • Disabled

  • Hover

  • Pressed

  • Focus


We use the metaphors (aka Icon Library) to standardize on the meaning of icons used in the application. In the Input Stepper element we have six metaphors.

Arrow Left: Icon-Library > Base > Primitives > Prim - InpStep Left

Arrow Right: Icon-Library > Base > Primitives > Prim - InpStep Right

Arrow Up: Icon-Library > Base > Primitives > Prim - InpStep Up

Arrow Down: Icon-Library > Base > Primitives > Prim - InpStep Down

Plus: Icon-Library > Base > Primitives > Prim - InpStep Add

Minus: Icon-Library > Base > Primitives > Prim - InpStep Minus

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