ε ToggleCtrl
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Element: The grouping of toggle button pieces that act together as a unit. This group is then treated as a single unit for dynamic resizing capabilities. Note, a single toggle control can exist on its own in a group. A toggle is also known as a Button Group in some frameworks.
Parent: Toggle - Bar, App Bar Control - Pieces, Toggle Button (Form Component)
Child: TogglePieces
This is a pass-through of the two types (text, icon) from the toggle - pieces child level.
The different options for the stylings from the toggle-pieces are passed through to this layer since they act as a unit. Note, different styles can not be mixed within a toggle grouping.
This is here primarily as a design convenience. All states for a toggle are set at the toggle-pieces layer and get passed up to their parent.
Multi: The default type, used when there is more than a single toggle option. This type then has a "Choice" functionality depending on the intention of the grouping.
Single: In situations where we only need a single toggle on/off of a single button we use this option. An example of this in use could be with a mute button, where we'd want to display the status of "Muted" or "Unmuted" in an interface.
Singular: By default, the toggle button acts like a grouping of radio-buttons where only one option can be chosen. An example of a "singular" choice is a text editor list style where the list can be either bullet or numeric but not both at the same time.
Multiple: Setting the choice type to multiple allows multiple buttons to be selected (checkbox like) at the same time. An example of this choice "multiple" is a text editor with Bold, Italic, Underline options where multiple can be on/off at the same time.
Possible Future Consideration
Horizontal: By default, toggle buttons display horizontally across the screen and adjust their widths to the size of its parent container.
Vertical: In the vertical orientation text and icons continue to display upright, and the toggle buttons are just stacked vertically one on top of the next.