
Component: A collections of Bars (rows) of CardItems that are vertically stacked in a Scrollview.

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  • Single: Only a single CardItem per vertical view, in other words, a full width CardItem, in portrait format on the device, with padding of course.

  • Double: Two CardItems positioned side-by-side in a portrait format on the device.

  • Triple: Three CardItems positioned side-by-side in a portrait format on the device.

A header (aka SecHead) can exist at the top of a ListView and be used to separate list content into different collections under that header. That Section Header has a title and can have additional actionable icons associated with the section to take action on the collection. See Section Header for the details.


The CardItems within the grid dynamically changes based on the width of a portrait format screen. The Caption area contents expand to fill, but the Graphic (Image) dynamically changes it's size in relation to its ratio 1:1 16:9 etc. based on the devices screen width.

Note: Any Bar within a CardView can independently side-scroll its contents, if the bar has the property of Side-Scrollable turned on.

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